This article in our local paper is about malls closing in our area. I used to go with my family to one of the ones he mentions in the article. There are 2 others close by that have closed and are being rebuilt into mixed use space. One of the two I used to go ice skating and cruising around with friends. Then go out for ice cream. I moved away for undergrad, graduate school, and my first job. One of the places I used to go in undergrad is closed. Two of the malls I used to go to in the city I lived in for my first job are closed. Even one of the malls we used to go to in my birth city has closed. It opened while we lived there.
I’ve installed yunohost via virtualbox and I am looking forward to playing with that. I also have installed coppermine and phpbb on my website. I also am playing around with AI. The pictures in my banner were made with AI.