
Monday Madness where are you?

Tuesday Twosome


Celebrate it or don’t?  Explain: celebrate
Scary or just another yearly event?  Explain: scart
Scare or be scared?  Explain: be scared
Give out candy or receive candy?  Explain:  give out candy
This year, staying home or going out?  Explain: working

Wednesday Mindhump

1.  What is your costume this year?  If you’re not wearing one, what would your costume be if you were going to wear one? didn’t wear one. Not sure
2.  What’s your favorite candy? Reeces
3.  What candy do you absolutely hate?
4.  Name something that scares you. snakes

Thursday Threesome

Onesome: Time is– your friend? …or your enemy? It’s your call, but how do you feel about “time”? Are you in need of a spare cupful? …or are you set? depends

Twosome: on my– way out the door, the last thing I check is to see……. Go ahead, fill in the blank! I locked the do

Threesome: “Side–out Sports”… I just love that name. Have you seen any fun signs or slogans lately you can share with the gang? no Five on Friday 1. They say elephants never forget. Would you compare your memory to that of an elephant or gnat? gnat unfortunately 2. What kinds of things do you find it easy to remember? 3. What kinds of things do you find it difficult to remember? stuff for tests 4. How does your short-term memory compare to your long-term memory? bad 5. How do you commit things to memory? Do you use tricks, songs, images, word associations, or other little mnemonics? word association

Friday Fiver

1. Did you celebrate Halloween? no had to work
2. Do you like to dress in costume? yes
3. Favorite chocolate?reeces
4. Best scary movie?
5. Friday fill-in: snakes
____ scares me.

Saturday Eight

do you have any of the following gadgets, and what kind? when did you get them?

1. cellphone? y
2. digital camera?y
3. video camera?y
4. video game console?y
5. TiVo/DVR?n
6. mp3 player/iPod?y
7. laptop computer? y

Sunday Seven Name the seven tips designed to make you happier at work that you’d have the most difficult time actually following.

not sure

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