happy martin luther king jr day

Monday Madness

1. My lucky number is _____. Don’t have one

2. My favorite day of the week is _____ because _____. friday

3. I spend about ____ hours/minutes on the phone a week, and _____ of those are
long distance. depends. I’m on the phone alot for work

4. My favorite cereal is _____. corn chex

5. One hobby of mine is _____. cross stitch

6. I wish I could spend more time _____. reading

7. I wish I could spend less time _____. surfing the net

8. I am really proud of my _____. computer skills

Tuesday Twosome

1. Two celebs that you feel are the most overexposed: all of them

2. Two news items you wish the press would stop talking about: everything that’s
why I don’t watch the news much any more

3. Two songs that you are tired of hearing on the radio: anything my emiem

4. Two TV shows that should NOT be renewed for another reason: anything that is
reality tv.

5. Two movies (that are currently showing) that you would recommend: I haven’t
seen anything yet. I want to see Fat Albert. Is it any good.

Wednesday Whatevers

1. Why do we kiss others? depends

2. What does our skin do? keeps stuff inside us

3. What would a building without windows be like? boring and claustrophobic

The Thursday Threesome

Onesome: The Phantom– Pick one (or more!): Hey, have you seen it yet? Are you
going to go see it? Have you seen it on stage? Read the book? What Phantom? no
yes no

Twosome: of the– Of the sights and sounds and smells of Spring what are you
waiting for the most? …and what is the first sign in your area that Spring is
on its way? baseball

Threesome: Opera– Theatre? Stage? Local shows? Do you get a chance to visit any
of these venues? Any recommendations on current items? not as much as I would

Friday Forum

1) As "movie award season" approaches, do you watch any

awards shows (such as the Oscars or the Golden Globes)?

Which part of the shows do you enjoy the most: the "red carpet"

part or the actual awards show? no

2) Do you consider yourself a "movie insider"? Any guesses as

to who will win the Academy Awards this year? Any personal

favorites? no

3) "Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King" is up for 11

Academy Awards. What do you think about that? (Eleven Oscars

also went to "Titanic" and "Ben Hur" - did you see those

movies?) Have you seen all of the Best Picture-nominated films? no

4) Which actor/actress, in your opinion, should have earned an

Oscar but so far hasn't? Is there an actor/actress who *has*

received an Oscar but you feel shouldn't have gotten it or wasn't


5) If you could create your own movie award and give it to

someone, who would it be and in what category? none

_-_Weekend Wonderings _-_

1. Would you say you have a good memory? no

2. Have you ever taken an iq test? no

3. Were/are you happy with your grades in school?  no

Sunday Brunch

1) What color (or colors) is your home painted on the interior? tan

2) What color (or colors) is your home painted on the exterior? white

3) If you could paint your car any color with no loss in value, what color would
it be? white

4) Do you paint your fingernails and toenails? What is your favorite color for
each if you do? yes red or pink

5) Have you ever played paintball? Have you ever wanted to? no yes

Participation Positives

Went to a new library then the outlet mall Saturday. Sunday and Monday with my

I love 3 day weekends.

Updated my trillian, eprompter and spyware software.

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