May 17 2002

Friday Five It’s back! YEA!!

1. What shampoo do you use? DHS Tar shampoo

2. Do you use conditioner? What kind? Yes t-gel

3.When was the last time you got your hair cut? I’m getting it cut tomorrow. I usually get it cut once a month.

4.What styling products do you use? White Rain when I use them (which isn’t very often)

5. What’s your worst hair-related experience? My first hair cut when I was very young. My Dad took one side and my Mom the other and they met in the middle.

This or That Tuesday Moving to a new site next week.

  1. Chihuahua or Great Dane? Great Dane. Scooby do! But I’m more of a

    cat person than a dog person.

  2. Skyline or countryside? Skyline

  3. Wrestle or box? neither

  4. Monkey bars or slide? Slide

  5. Stars or stripes? Stripes

  6. Ashley, Wynonna, or Naomi Judd? Wynonna

  7. "The Cosby Show" or "Growing Pains"? Growing

    Pains. Cosby show was good too though

  8. Giggle or chuckle? Giggle

  9. Would you rather: walk in front of a crowd in your birthday suit, or

    eat worms?
    birthday suit.

  10. Charismatic or gregarious? Gregarious.

That 80’s Show was canciled. At least Chyler has a new show next fall. Now if only her brother would find work.

Lunch with a friend on Friday and then stuff around the house after I get my car washed and my hair cut. I work this weekend.

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