wow these are up on time for once

Wednesday Whatevers

1. Why do people make New Year’s resolutions? not sure

2. Why do countries have flags? not sure

3. Is it better to be unknown or infamous? unknown

Thursday Threesome

Fish, Chips and Mushy Peas

Onesome: Fish- Do you have a favorite outdoor hobby or are you a strictly stay
at home type? stay at home type

Twosome: Chips- Do you gamble? Lotto, weekly poker night or weekends in Vegas?

Threesome: and mushy peas- What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? okra


1) What’s one of the funniest things that you ever did as a kid?

How old were you? Do you actually remember doing it? Do your

parents/relatives still tell stories about it? not sure

2) How would you describe yourself as a child? Extroverted or

introverted? Creative? Hyper? Quiet? Compare that with your

personality today. Are you still that way, for the most part? immature

3) What were some of your favorite childhood toys? Do you still

have any of them? What do you think of the toys that children are

playing with nowadays? electronic games. yes  they are good

4) Do you feel that you get along well with children? Why/why

not? Are you around them quite a bit? Are there any particular

age groups that you get along especially well with? I try

5) Did you like school when you were a kid? Were you involved

with any sports, extracurricular activities, etc. as a child? Did you

make pretty good grades, and did you like your teachers? sometimes.

Wonderings _-_

1. Do you have your drivers license? yes

2. How old were you when you got them? If you don’t have them yet, how old will
you be when you get them? 16

3. Do you have the organ donar section filled out on the card, or will you fill
it out?  no

Saturday 8

1. what wonderful thing did you do in 2004 that you plan to do again in

2. what thing ... either horrible or good ... did you do in 2004 that you do NOT
plan on doing in 2005?

3. what is something big (possibly life-changing, like get married/divorced,
change jobs, get pregnant) that you hope to do in 2005?

4. the first quarter of any year is usually difficult due to post-holiday
letdown, credit card bills, facing holiday weight gain, getting taxes done, etc.
do you usually find that january-april is a difficult time for you? no

5. what literary work (book, magazine, paper) do you plan on reading or
subscribing to in 2005?

6. do you have a person or a habit that you plan on avoiding in 2005?

7. do you have a person or habit that you plan on cultivating in 2005?

8. looking forward to the holidays 2005, what do you definitely plan on doing
differently for the holidays this year? nothing

Sunday Brunch

1) What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2005? don’t have any

2) Did you make resolutions last year and did you keep them? no

3) What did you do this year on New Year’s Eve to celebrate, if anything?
celebrated with my parents

4) Is there any one thing that you hope happens by next New Year’s Day? no

5) Describe your most memorable New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day.

Participation Positives

wbloggar v4 came out.

Shopped yesterday. Spent time with my parents today

Cathy (cartoon) and Irving have a cool idea. Instead of wedding gifts people can go here and donate to get pets spayed neutered, vet visits etc.

I’m going to miss Randy Johnson

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