July 20 2002

Friday Five

1. Where were you born? Charlotte, NC. at Presbyterian hospital

2. If you still live there, where would you rather move to? If you don’t live there, do you want to move back? Why or why not? I think I would like to move back but I probably won’t. All my family is here now. I would love to go back and visit though.

3. Where in the world do you feel the safest? here

4. Do you feel you are well-traveled? Sort of. There are still places I would like to visit.

5. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? Spain

This or That Tuesday

1. Rented lodgings, or staying with friends/relatives? Rented lodgings unless I am staying with relatives. I’ve only crashed at a friends house once.

2. Lots of activities, or just lying around doing nothing? Hopefully just lying around doing nothing.

3. Blogging while on vacation…yes or no? no

4. If you have children and/or pets…bring them along or make other arrangements? No Children. No pets to bring along since goldfish are hard to travel with. They usually are content with a feeder that I leave in the tank.

5. Do you cook while away on vacation, or eat out every day? No. Unless I’m staying at a relatives house

6. Do you pack light and plan to do laundry while away, or overpack and wash everything when you get home? pack only what I need and don’t do laundry. Unless I’m at a relatives house.

7. Drive to your vacation spot, or take some kind of public transportation? drive

8. If you have a cell phone…on or off while away? off

9. Bring work along or not? hell no (unless I’m very far behind. then I do it while I’m traveling.)

10. Returning home with more stuff than you originally took with you…yes or no? Unfortunately yes.

Today I got my hair cut and laundry etc. done. The new cabinets will hopefully finally be installed this Saturday. I also have to go in to work for 3 hours on Saturday (My day off). Sunday I’ll get my car washed and work out on Sunday.

I have had 2 unsuccessful attempts at getting a new cell phone this week. Hopefully 3rd times a charm next week.

I want to buy the new Disney dvd and Boys II Men CD that’s coming out Tuesday.

Taped Dana Carvey on Jay Leno last night. Can’t wait to watch it.

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